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The Concept of Certificate by Aderibigbe Adedeji David. NOUN, Abeokuta Study Centre (2012).


The Concept of Certificate
The ability to define words and give meaning to them makes it an apparatus to knowledge. In a wider context, certain words are derived by the combination of words to generate new words and sometimes to buttress words or expressions. The word ‘Certificate’ is derived from the word ‘Certify’ which according to Microsoft Encarta dictionary means confirm truth or accuracy of something: to state or confirm that something is true or correct. To avoid the state of obscurity, the Google website also state the word ‘Certify’ to be attest or confirm in a formal statement. We can seemingly acclaim that the word ‘Certify’ testifies to sincerity.

Laying emphasis around worthiness and truthfulness, it can dearly be said, that, to have something as evidence, prove is required. In the light of this, it is compulsive to emanate a mechanism to justify worthiness and truthfulness. To encourage the compliance of ‘Certify’, a general understanding is the uniformity of the acceptance of what is known as ‘Certificate’.
A certificate can be said to be a widely acceptable pattern that provides evidence in a formal or official document. This document may contain written words, pictures, signs and symbols that attest authentication and clarification of identity.

The Encarta Dictionary states that ‘Certificate’ is document providing official evidence: an official document that gives proof and details of something such as personal status, educational achievements, ownership, or authenticity. In this context, we shall relate ‘Certificate’ in the area of Educational Achievements.

 What comes to the mind when the word ‘CERTIFICATE’ is heard, even with a catch phrase like “He now has his Certificate” with this phrase, a sense of gladness or on the other hand a sense of deceit, whichever way, it boils down to the matter of Integrity. This will lead in the discus of integrity relating to education providers.

Academic institutions are mandated with the task of equipping students with education. This task requires the completion or attainment of certain criteria stipulated by the institution in the award of a title. This stipulation also requires some certain processes and procedures such as examinations, continuous assessments, attendance and in some cases field work. At a point in time, should a student complete his/her required obligation, such student could be said to be worthy of certification. The reward of certification is usually the ability to proceed to another higher level, being equipped with some skills or knowledge and other sense of gladness. Therefore, it is critical for any institution to uphold the integrity of her certificate with all diligence in order to forestall void certificate.
In conclusion, we can regard a certificate as a document of importance; also, it can be related to an evidence of effort. Unfortunately, some institutions are loose in checking students who likes cut corners. As a result of this, it deems fit to ask this question ‘Do certificate really serve as an evidence to prove academic title?’ This question shall provide a checkmate to platforms of learning that is lacking in integrity.
Aderibigbe Adedeji David
NOUN, Abeokuta Study Centre.
B.sc (Hons.) Tourism Studies (2012)



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National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN). Abeokuta Study Centre, Ogun State.: The Concept of Certificate by Aderibigbe Adedeji David. NOUN, Abeokuta Study Centre (2012).
The Concept of Certificate by Aderibigbe Adedeji David. NOUN, Abeokuta Study Centre (2012).
National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN). Abeokuta Study Centre, Ogun State.
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