Every year, every College will host a Freshman Orientation. This is a seminar of what to expect as freshman. Since this includes the entire freshman class, it won’t be about each curriculum but as your experience as a whole. You will learn some tips about navigating your way through the school system and what to expect. This Orientation usually takes place a week before school starts. Every College has a different structure to Freshman Orientation, once you have been accepted and you are enrolled in your College, you will receive a Welcome Packet and the outline of the Freshman Orientation will be covered.
So you're the new boy/girl at school. All eyes will be on you, and everyone wants to know more about you. Would you like to start over and be popular, yet still be nice? Well, this is for you!
As awesome as it is, this post will be a useful to the old students as well.
We will talk about how to become popular. Am sure most students wants to become popular but they are finding it just hard to fix in due to a reason or the other.
Below are 15 tips on becoming the next popular student.
Wear clothes that
describe yourself but don't violate the school dress code.No one wants to see a
kid with a shirt that is offensive.
Look at this as an
opportunity. As far as these people know, you were the most popular
person at your old school (but don't brag about this or you'll sound insecure.
Be nice to everyone, and don't try to befriend any one just because they look
popular. A real popular is friends with a lot of people, not just 'the
populars'. Step out of your comfort zone, and go strike up a conversation with
some one who doesn't look like your type of person. They could become
your new best friend! Don't use people by any means, and don't give anyone a
reason to hate you.
Socialize, but don't
talk too much. Make your point and stop, otherwise people will refer
to you as that annoying girl in English class. Take note of how the person
you're talking to is responding. If they're nodding, smiling, and adding their
own comments, you may continue talking, but if they're looking away or texting
their friends under the table, cool it.
Don't give off a
desperate vibe. If you follow people around, talk
to them non-stop, and sit next to them in every class, you'll become known as a
wannabe. However, if you chat to them pleasantly, say hi to kids that you've
met in the hall, and act as though you're completely secure in yourself, you'll
become popular.
Get involved! Join clubs, but
join the right ones. This doesn't mean that you should be a fake, but if
choir's uncool at your new school but everyone loves the school plays, try out
for a musical. When in doubt, start your own club. It could be anything from a
campaign for Darfur to a cinema club, as long as it is fun. This will get you
Eat fruits and
vegetables and stay in shape. Don't diet
obsessively, but try to stay healthy by doing some cardio and toning exercises
every few days.
Don't talk obsessively
about your old friends, but mention them. For instance,
you may follow up someone else's funny story with "That reminds me of what
my friend Christine once did at this party (followed by a story)..." but
you can't say "Everyone here is so lame! I miss my old friends so
Add the kids that
you've talked to at school on Facebook, and study their profiles a bit. Overhaul your
own profile: Make your profile picture a shot of you hanging out with a bunch
of friends, and comment on your old friends' walls so that they will leave a
bunch of comments on your page. Also learn who the popular people are and try
to fit in with them!
If you know about any
parties or clubs going on that weekend or night ask them if they heard about it
and that it will be legit take them and show them a good time!
Laugh at yourself! If you do
something embarrassing say something like,
"Oh, crap. I can't believe I just did that." Don't be embarrassed!
Laugh at yourself instead of feeling terrible. Everyone messes up, but people
who make fun of themselves are confident and more fun to be around.
Be active!
Join a sport that you're good at. Don't join something like cheerleading just
because it's a 'popular girl' sport, because if you're not very good you don't
want to make a fool of yourself. Make friends with the team members! Even if
you're not very athletic, there's always individual sports. You can still make
friends that way without having to try out for a team.
Be confident,
confidence is key! Walk tall and proud if you walk hunched over people will
think you are insecure and shy. Also, make sure to SMILE. No one likes someone
who's unfriendly. People will be more apt to come up to you if you look
Personality! Show who you
really are, don't be afraid to be yourself. Although if you are TOO quirky people might think
you are weird and and spread rumors about you. Just don't go overboard.
Try to relate to the
people you meet and adapt to their accepted behaviour
Thanks to WikiHow
Article updated by
Aderibigbe Adedeji David.