Message from the Dean
It is my pleasure, delight and singular honour to heartily welcome you to the great Faculty of Management Sciences! On behalf of the Vice-Chancellor and the entire Staff of the Faculty I also thank you for choosing to study at the Faculty of Management Sciences.
The National Open University of Nigeria stands out as a 21st Century University and this uniqueness transcends beyond her four walls in offering cutting edge Programmes in the various Faculties. The Faculty of Management Sciences is the hob-nob of such cutting edge Programmes. The Faculty offers very pragmatic Programmes to give her students the opportunity to be job creators rather than job seekers. Therefore, as I welcome you to the warm and friendly ambiance of this great Faculty, I enjoin you all to remain focus in order to make the best use of the rare opportunity you have as students of the Faculty.
Once again, I welcome you all!
Professor. Wilfred N J Ugwuanyi